Please add this web app to your home screen and open it from there.

Adoration Check-In
This is the first part of your We Adore Him website address.
Administrators can find this password on the Settings page of your We Adore Him website.
Sorry, it looks like you may be offline. Please connect to the internet and try again. Sorry, the Adoration Check-In Kiosk is disabled for this We Adore Him website. Please login to your We Adore Him website as an administrator, visit the Settings page, and enable the Adoration Check-In Kiosk. Sorry, that password is incorrect. Please login to your We Adore Him website as an administrator, visit the Settings page, set the kiosk password, and enter the same password here.

{{ date.locale[$ctrl.$storage.language].time }} () - {{ date.locale[$ctrl.$storage.language].date }}

{{ date.label }}
{{ $ctrl.translate(date.captains.length === 1 ? 'HOUR_CAPTAIN' : 'HOUR_CAPTAINS') }}: {{ }} {{ captain.field_user_phone_national }}
{{ }}